The Evolving Crises at Laguna Honda
Hospital and Rehabilitation Center


$8.5 Million Raised Through September 21 to Reduce Citizen Oversight
Vote “No” on “Prop. D,” and “Yes” on “Prop. E” !
New:  10/8/24  Reject “Prop. D” Eliminating Transparent Oversight of Boards and Commissions

Updated:  10/19/24  List of Actual Projects Nowhere to Be Found
New:  10/8/24  Reject November 5, 2024 “Prop. B” Bond Measure

San Francisco Examiner Quotes Dr. Susan Ehrlich’s Nonsense

Costs to Rescue Laguna Honda Hospital Soar to $125 Million $177.5 Million
Updated:  5/26/24  LHH’s Decertification Second Anniversary Disaster

The Costs Continue to Rise!
New:  2/22/24  Updated Costs to Rescue LHH Following It’s April 2022 Decertification

Mayor Breed Orders All Boards and Commissions to Fall In Lockstep!
Supervisor Peskin’s Bogus Rationale Based on Lies
10/26/23  Sudden Death of Remote Public Comment

Milking It For All It's Worth
Laguna Honda Hospital Begs for $18 Million More for Consultants
8/15/23  The Consultant's Bottomless Piggybank

Part 2 of a Two-Part Series
Costs to Rescue Laguna Honda Hospital Inches Up.  Again.

7/31/23  LHH Mismanagement Costs Reaches $64.9 Million

Part 1 of a Two-Part Series
Costs to Rescue Laguna Honda Hospital Soars.  Again.

7/14/23  LHH Mismanagement Costs Reaches $64.1 Million

Laguna Honda Hospital Received Its Final Warnings
6/28/23  Laguna Honda Admits Its Own Staff Jeopardize the
Hospital Obtaining CMS Recertification

Remind Me:  How Did I Reach Old Age So Fast?
6/22/23  Happy Six-Dozenth Birthday to Me:  An Accountability Watchdog Trudges On

LHH Will Finally Have a Licensed Nursing Home Administrator
6/16/23  Laguna Honda Hospital Hires Its New CEO

Part 2:  Qualitative Analysis of LHH’s “Root Case” Problems
5/12/23  Pre-Mortem of a Hospital:  One-Year Anniversary

San Franciscans Need to Raise Their Objections — Now
4/22/23  Laguna Honda Hospital’s Revised Closure Plan Just Released

A Secondary Quantitative Analysis of LHH’s “Root Cause” Problems
3/31/23  Pre-Mortem of a Hospital:  One-Year Anniversary

CMS Isn’t Playing Around as LHH Managers May Want to Believe
LHH Ordered to to Expedite Hiring Nursing Home Administrators
2/23/23  Temporary Reprieve on Evictions, But Harsh Warnings

An Insider’s History — Part 2:
A Twindemic Involving Restorative Care and “Leaders
2/15/23  Laguna Honda Hospita's Leadership Boondoggle

An Insider’s History
2/8/23  The Bungled Management of Laguna Honda Hospital

Weeks Following Forced Discharge, LHH Patients Began Dying
1/30/23  Culpability in 12 Patient Deaths

An “Immediate Jeopardy” Violation Risked LHH’s Recertification
1/25/23  Troubling Laguna Honda Hospital Developments

Key “Root Cause Analysis” Report Missing in Action?
12/2/22  Progress on LHH Settlement Agreement Compliance

Renne’s Grandstanding Gambit Goes Belly-up
10/21/22  LHH Patients’ Class Action Lawsuit Tossed Out

City Attorney Alleged LHH Should Not Need Re-certification, But …
10/21/22  LHH Settlement Agreement Requires CMS Re-certification

Ongoing Problems Threaten the Hospital’s Re-Certification
10/13/22  Worrisome Laguna Honda Hospital Issues

Taking Ownership of SFDPH's Mistakes
9/12/22  Rising Costs to Rescue Laguna Honda Hospital

Epic Part 3: More Laguna Honda Hospital Problems
8/17/22  City’s Useless Health Department “Epic” Database

One Informal Dispute Resolution Request, Three Appeals
8/1/22  City’s Pathetic Defense of Laguna Honda Hospital

Understanding Severity of Laguna Honda Hospital Inspection Violations
7/15/22  Kafkaesque” Nonsense … Was Itself Nonsense (Article Forthcoming)  

Laguna Honda Hospital — The Rest of the Story
7/8/22  LHH Cuts 120 Beds, Hires Nursing Management Fat

Haney’s Deceptive Barack Obama Endorsement
3/30/22  Vote for Campos, Not Haney, for Assembly on April 19

Looking for Out-of-County Discharge Data in the Underwear-and-Socks Drawer
2/6/22  Health Department Busted for Violating FOIA Laws

February 15 Election Recommendation
1/10/22  San Francisco’s D-17 Seat in State Assembly

Proposed Housing on Laguna Honda Hospital Campus
12/17/21  Senior Housing on “Cortese List” (Toxic) Site

Where’s the Status Reports? Where’s the Housing?
12/3/21  2019 Affordable Housing Bond’s Invisible Ink

Another Public Health Crisis:
11/20/21  Why Dumping Patients Out-of-County Is Wrong

Third in a Series:  Don Juan’s Other Reckless Daughter
11/8/21  Breed’s Reckless COVID Mixed Messaging Saga

California Wildfires and PG&E Bailout Play a Big Role
8/22/21  Will Newsom Escape Recall?

Reducing SFPD’s Bloated Sworn Police Officers
7/17/21  Police Commission’s Staffing Guidance

Can You Trust a Public Health Department That Lies?
6/22/21  SFDPH’s Epic Lie:  A $167.4 Million Database That Couldn’t

Pleas for Law Enforcement Budget Reforms
5/25/21  To Defund, or Not Defund, SFPD?

Confronting Out-of-County Patient Discharges
4/27/21  Ken Zhao’s Story

What’s Holding Up Affordable Housing?
4/6/21  Lawsuit Stalls 2019 Affordable Housing Bond

More on Don Juan’s Other Reckless Daughter
2/22/21  Mayor Breed’s Reckless COVID First Anniversary

Don Juan’s Other Reckless Daughter
1/12/21  Mayor’s Reckless Nursing Home COVID Reporting

Laguna Honda Hospital Housing Project Reduced to 100 Units?
 12/30/20  Invisible Affordable Housing on Public Land

Isolating Seniors on Northwest Parking Lot Is Inhumane
10/7/20  Laguna Honda Hospital:  Inappropriate Site for Housing

Staffing Levels Should Be Negotiated, Not Set in City Charter
9/30/20  Yes on “Prop. E,” Police Minimum Staffing)

Vote “No” on “Prop. A”
9/28/20  COP’s and Robberies (Bond Measures)

On Housing Propoal for Lagunda Hospital’s Campus
9/26/20  District 7 Candidates Cavalier Responses

Let ’em Eat Cake:  Happy Birthday to Me; No Raises for Thee!
Initially Posted:  8/16/20  Updated:  8/23/20  City Managers Reject Mayor Breed’s Budget Plea

Hiding Data Is Ineffective Against This Virus
New:  7/10/20  COVID-19’s Cruel Visit to Laguna Honda Hospital

COVID in Nursing Homes:   A Geriatrician Worries About Her Mom
6/28/20   The City’s COVID Curve Hasn’t Flattened

COVID-19’s Impact on Affordable Housing Production
4/13/20  Public Records Are “Essential” During a Public Health Pandemic

It’s a Newspaper’s Duty to Print the News and Raise Hell
2/25/20  A Civic Duty:  Digitize Neighborhood News

Restoring Older Adult Classes Cut at City College
1/7/20  Pickpocketing the Dignity Fund’s Wallet

Patient Safety Endangered by a Cultural Wall of Silence
12/2/19  LHH Leadership Fingered in Patient Abuse Scandal

Why is Supervisor Yee’s Senior Housing Proposal So Hush-Hush?
12/18/19  LHH Housing Proposal Ignores Dire Shortage of Skilled Nursing Facility Beds

Multiple Efficacy Problems Questioned
11/7/19  Invisible Successes Navigating the Homeless

Citywide Public Land Re-Zoning
10/2/19   “Local Control” Excludes Neighborhood Input
Vote “No” on Prop. “E” November 2019! 

Lottery in Bond Disguise (72 ≠ 517)
9/3/19   Who Affordable Housing Bond Leaves Behind
Vote “No” on Prop. “A” November 2019! 

7/4/19   Breed’s Blank Check:  Re-Zoning Public Lands
A Land-Grab, by Any Other Name, Developer’s Will Love  Vote “No”

6/7/19   High Costs of Wrongful Arrests and Convictions
$53.4 Million Costs of Failure to Sufficiently Reconsider

November 2015 $310 Million Affordable Housing Bond Update
5/6/19   Affordable Housing That Wasn’t
Sneak Peek:  November 2019 $500 Million Affordable Bond Preview

Incestuous Intersection of Politics and Money
4/16/19   Regime Churn of SFERS’ Trustees
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?   Scott R. Heldfond’s Connections to
Aon Plc and San Francisco–Bangalore Sister City Initiative…

$90.7 Million and Counting …
3/6/19  Lawsuit Settlement Costs Continue to Soar

San Francisco's Severe Shortage of Elderly & Disabled Healthcare Facilities
2/14/19  Supervisor Yee Must Prioritize Full Spectrum
Out-of-County Patient Discharges:   Is What’s Past, Prologue?

Following Untenable Legislative Track Record as Supervisor ...
Posted 12/8/18, Updated 1/3/19  Mayor Breed Needs to Clean House at DHR

11/3/18  Mayor's Patronage Nepotism Jobs Alive and Well
Escalating City Employee Bloat: The New “$400,000+ Club”

10/8/18 A Few November 2018 Election Recommendations

9/1/18  Slow-Moving, Stalled, Legislation
City Employees Living in Each City District at Risk
Delayed Legislation Deprives City Employees of Legal Protections

7/3/18  Monetizing Laguna Honda Hospital’s Campus
Rezoning Public Land for Residential Housing: A Land Grab
D-7 Supervisor Norman Yee’s Plan for Increasing “Assisted Living”
and “RCFE” (Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly) Units
in San Francisco Goes Horribly Wrong — Reduced to “Senior Housing” Units

6/8/18  Affordable Housing Bond Continuing Oddities
The $310 Million Housing Bond

5/6/18  June 2018 Election Recommendations
Don’t Vote for London Breed!

4/3/18  $70 Million in Taxpayer Funds Up in Smoke
When City Employees Violate Laws, Taxpayers Saddled
More on “Prohibited Personnel Practice” Lawsuits Filed by City Employees

Updated 3/8/18   Financing 250 Laguna Honda Senior Housing
Funds for Affordable Housing Must Be Made Public
Postscript:  D-7 Supervisor Norman Yee Suddenly Withdraws Support for Project

2/4/18  San Francisco’s #MeToo Sexual Harassment Scandal
“Time’s Up” on One of San Francisco’s Dirty Little Secrets

12/14/17  Temporary Reprieve From Exile
San Francisco St. Luke’s Hospital Update

11/13/17  City Sues, But Continues Investing In, Big Oil
Will Brian Stansbury Thwart City Attorney Dennis Herrera?

9/1/17  Mayor’s Hiring Spree Isn’t a “Black Swan” Event
Bloat in Patronage Hiring

8/30/17  Eviction and Exile: A Watershed Moment
On the Proposed St. Luke’s Hospital Sub-Acute and SNF Units Closure
by Teresa Palmer, MD and Patrick Monette-Shaw

7/1/17  Part 1:  CGOBOC’s Failure to Monitor Change Orders
“Oversight Committee" Provides Scant Oversight on Bond Measures

7/1/17  Part 2:  CGOBOC’s Other CSA Duties as the CARB
“Oversight Committee" Provides Scant Oversight on Bond Measures

6/1/17  SF: Sanctuary City for Housing Developers
Pitting Neighbor Against Neighbor for Affordable Housing
Dueling “Inclusionary” Affordable Housing Proposals:
Peskin-Kim v. Safai-Breed-Tang Ordinances, and the HOME-SF Killer

5/1/17  Where’s Our Torchbearer for the Elderly?
Remembering Laguna Honda Hospital’s Sister Miriam Walsh
LHH Demographics Changes, Patient Dumping, Disastrous Community Living
Fund and Dignity Fund, and Non-Existent Senior Services “Gap Analysis”

4/5/17  Slouching Toward Whistleblower Protections
City Employees Deserve Strengthened Anti-Retaliation Law

3/8/17  Addendum:  Housing Project Below a Cliff Starts Sampling Soil
Companion Article to “Affordable Housing Bond Measure Lurches Down a Cliff,” Below

3/3/17  Affordable Housing Bond Measure Lurches Down a Cliff
Bait–’n–Switch:  250 Laguna Honda Boulevard Senior Housing Proposal and Other Issues

2/8/17  Who’s Auditing Mayor’s Hiring Binge?
5,090 and Counting: Bloat Under Ed Lee
Updated 2/10/17 — Added Two Tables Showing 6,414 Increase in Number of Employees

1/14/17  Mayor Ed Lee’s Five-and-a-Half Year Hiring Binge
Joel Engardio & Heather Knight Don’t Know What They’re Talking About

Updated 12/14/16  What Price for a Seat at the Table?
Open Letter to “Al” Casciato:  Retirement Board Isn’t For Sale!
“Miscellaneous” Members Deserve Balanced Representation

10/2/16   Housing Delays = Justice Denied
New Problems With $310 Million Affordable Housing Bond
San Francisco's Incredibly Shinking Affordable Housing

9/29/16   November Election Recommendations
Voter’s Beware:  Don’t Be Suckered!

9/7/16   Support Housing Commission, Public Advocate
Open Government: Two Crucial Good Ballot Measures

7/6/16   Bullying Costs Soar to $41.6 Million
Update on Retaliation Against City Employees and Civil Grand Jury Whistleblower Report

6/22/16   Happy 65th Birthday to Me:  Birth of an Accountability Watchdog
Remind Me:  How Did I Reach Middle Age So Fast?

5/30/16   November’s Affordable Housing Bond Snookered Voters
Drunken Sailor City Hall Spending: Another Bait-and-Switch?

5/2/16   June 2016 Election Recommendations
Voters Beware:  You Get What You Vote For

4/5/16   San Francisco’s Skilled Nursing Bed Shortage Worsens
Laguna Honda Hospital’s “Mission Statement” Changed, Again!

3/7/16   Mayor’s Hiring Spree vs. City Retiree Pensions
Mayor’s Hiring Spree Is Unsustainable

2/1/16   Pedestrian Safety Not “Worthwhile”?
Protecting Pedestrians From Scofflaw Bicyclists

12/1/15   SFMTA Makes Tech Shuttle “Google” Buses Permanent
1.2 Million Commercial Shuttle Stops Will Soon Clog San Francisco Roadways

11/30/15   Secondary Analysis of SFMTA’s Premature Evaluation Report of Its “Commuter Shuttle Pilot Project”
Flaws-in-the-Glass Snake Oil

1/29/15   Mayor Without Mandate
Department of Elections Certifies November 2015 Election Results

11/1/15   “Tech Buses” Drive Housing Displacement
Driven Out of Town … Driven to Eviction?

10/12/15   Re-Elect the Mayor?  You’re Kidding.  Right?
Weaving Together the Many Faces of Mayor Ed Lee

9/6/15   Reject the $310 Million Affordable Housing Bond Measure
“I don’t think we paid any attention to the middle class.  I think everybody assumed the middle class was moving out.”
— Mayor Ed Lee, January 2014
Don’t Fall for the “Blank Check” Snake Oil on San Francisco's November 2015 Ballot

7/4/15   Retaliators Keep Their City Jobs
New Civil Grand Jury Whistleblower Report + Police Chief Suhr's Slurs Fuels SFPD’s Text Scandal
(Court Records Reveal Then-Deputy Chief Suhr Referred to Then-Police Chief Heather Fong as a “Dragon Lady,”
and Then-Deputy Chief Mindy Pengel as a “Man Hater” — a Common Slur Against Lesbians.)

6/10/15   Detrimental Skilled Nursing Care Cuts
Secret City Attorney ‘Opinion’ Overturns 1988 Voter-Approved Prop Q

5/10/15   Housing Withers on the Vine
On San Francisco's Housing Crisis

3/29/15 Mayor's Housing Scam, Redux
November 2015 $250 Million Housing Bond Ballot Measure

3/1/15   Troubling Reappointment of Wendy Paskin-Jordan to the San Francisco Employees’ Retirement Fund
Part 2: Gambling With San Francisco Employee's Retirement Fund (How the Board of Supervisors Got It Wrong)

2/14/15   San Francisco Employees' Retirement Fund:  Looming Fiasco — Hedge Funds “Wealth Transfer”
Postscript #2 added February 14 shows Bill Coaker is highest-paid City employee.

11/7/14  Extract of Briefs Filed in Allen Grossman’s Second Lawsuit Against San Francisco’s Ethics Commission

11/2/14  Billionaires Buying Elections: Playing Politics With Domestic Violence (More on “Say ‘No’ to David Chiu”)
San Francisco’s November 2014 Election … and
Mayor Ed Lee’s Lie on Behalf of David Chiu

10/5/14  Prop. “A” $500 Million MUNI Bond Measure, and David Chiu:  Just Say No!
On San Francisco’s November 2014 Municipal Ballot

9/14/14  Ethics’ Pretenses vs. Sunshine
Grand Jury’s Report on Ethics Commission ... Sunshine Task Force Member Pilpel ... and Task Force’s Tiny Budget

Update 8/21/14  On Sunshine Ordinance Task Force Member David Pilpel
San Francisco Government Ethics Laws and Conflicts of Interest

7/6/14  The Big Squeeze: Dys-Integration of “Old Friends”
Discharging and “Diverting” Patients Out-of-County

6/14/14  Board of Supervisors Continue Sunshine Task Force Retaliation
Ongoing Fight for Open Government in San Francisco

5/13/14  The Three-David Race for Assemblyperson
A Fight for the Soul of San Francisco

4/16/14  Affordability Mayor: A Housing Bait–and–Switch?
On the Mayor’s Seven-Point Housing Plan

3/9/14  Sandbagging, Legal Fairy Dust, and Double-Speak
San Francisco Fights Open Government in California Appellate Court
City Seeks to Strike Down Key Sunshine Provision
(Contains Further Reading Section)

 12/01/13  Four Major Sunshine Victories
Advancing Open Government in San Francisco

11/03/13 A Victory for SFGH’s Dialysis Patients
Margaret Meade Was Right:  Small Groups of Thoughtful, Committed Citizens, Can Change the World

10/10/13  Department of Public Health’s Dialysis Crisis (’Round the Circle-Game We Go)
Why Outsourcing SFGH’s Dialysis Renal Center to Laguna Honda Hospital Is a Really, Really Bad Idea
(Dedicated to Jimmy Manges)

9/09/13  Squished Together:  Misery Visits Company
(Patient Dumping Part 2:  Mental Health Patients Dumped Into LHH or Out-of-County;
Non-Ambulatory Elderly Squished Into Vacated MHRF Space; SFGH Inpatient Dialysis Patients Squished Into Outpatients at LHH)

6/30/13  Of Mold and Men
(Marc Slavin's Ouster as LHH’s Spokesman; $600,000 Mold Problem in New Kitchen; Board of Supervisors Approves Patient Dumping)

6/11/13  Who's Dumping Grandma?
(Patient Dumping: City Attorney's Hypocrisy, Laguna Honda Hospital's Shame)

 5/27/13  High Cost's of City Attorney's Advice

(Retaliation and Bullying of City Employees)

 3/30/13  The $750,000 Wrongful Termination Affair
(Dr. Kerrs Wrongful Termination Settlement Award)

3/3/13  Voracious Management Salaries Rob Citys Lowest-Paid
(The High Cost of San Francisco City Government)

2/3/13  A Sordid Tale of Two Non-Profits
(Dissolution of Louise Rennes Laguna Honda Foundation)

12/9/12  A Foundations Dirty Laundry 
(Louise Rennes Laguna Honda Foundation)

11/4/12  Consensus Mayors Sour Grapes 
(Mayor Lee Dreams of Sharing Thanksgiving With Sheriff Mirkarimi)

10/7/12  Swimming in Official Misconduct 
(Ethics Commission Exceeds Its Authority; Will Supervisors, Too?)

9/2/12  Wiener Out of Control 
(Skullduggery at Board of Supervisors)

9/2/12  Westside Observer Editorial: Serving Two Masters  
(With Editorial Cartoon of Supervisor Scott Wiener)

7/7/12 Who Killed Sunshine?

(Ask Supervisor Scott "The Tinkerer" Wiener)

6/2/12  Errors Haunt "God's Hotel"

A Book Review by Patrick Monette-Shaw

5/12/12  Budget Analyst Short-Circuits Supervisor "Tinkerer" Wiener

4/7/12  Board of Supervisors Tinker With Open Government

3/1/12  Amid Noise Complaints, City Sues LHH Architects

2/12/12  Laguna Honda's 2010 Fundraising Dinner:  $260K Black Hole Expenses

12/3/11  Laguna Honda Charitable Giving Plummets Again

10/23/11  Six Deadly Ballot Measures

10/23/11  "Pension Reform" Ballot Measures Omit Salary Reform

9/3/11  Laguna Honda Hospital Scandal 
Patient Gift Fund Records Referred to D.A. and Feds

On Laguna Honda Hospital
Gods Hotel:  
A Doctor, a Hospital, and a Pilgrimage to the Heart of Medicine

7/3/11  Watchdogs, Whistleblowers and Grand Juries

[Is City Attorney Dennis Herrera the Ultimate Barrier to Open Government?]

6/17/11  Three-Part Series on Pandora's Secrecy Box: 
Corruption of San Francisco's Whistleblower Program

[This is the Detailed Version First Published on]

6/17/11  Opening Pandora's Secrecy Box: 
Corruption of San Francisco's Whistleblower Program

[The Short Version that appeared in the Westside Observer Newspaper]

5/7/11  Commingling of Public and Private Funds
Two Non-Profit Organizations, and the City, Quietly Mix Their Funds

4/5/11  Snoozing at Laguna Hondas Gift Fund Wheel

3/27/11  Analysis of Laguna Honda Volunteers, Inc.'s Tax Returns Reveals 
"Program Services" Plummets to Just 56.9 Percent of Total Expenditures

2/13/11  Health Commission Misses the Point: Laguna Honda's Gift Fund Scandal

2/13/11  Verbatim Transcript of Health Commission's JCC Meeting, December 3, 2010

10/31/10:  Scapegoating Public Employees: Reasons to Vote "No" on Adachi's Prop B

10/3/10:  Accounting Red Flags Over Laguna Honda Hospital's Patient Gift Fund Audit

9/3/10:  Multiple Black Holes Engulf Laguna Honda Hospital

7/10/10:  Unanswered Questions Remain Regarding LHHs Patient Gift Fund

7/1/10:   West of Twin Peaks Central Council unanimously passes resolution calling for audit of Laguna Honda Hospitals patient gift fund.

8/2/10:   Cartoon Regarding Claims Louise Renne Filed Tabocco Lawsuit
Made During LHH's RIbbon-Cutting Ceremony June 26, 2010

5/24/10:  Raiding the Public's Trust: LHH's Patient Gift Fund Scrutinized

5/2/10:  LHH "Change Order" Cost Overrun Lessons Impact All Bond-Financed Projects

2/6/10:  In Memoriam: Laguna Honda's Torchbearer, Sister Miriam Walsh, Has Died

2/6/10:  Laguna Honda Hospital Won't Discuss Delays 
LHH Delays Its Move-In Date & and
Its Executive Administrator Refuses to Answer Questions

2/6/10:  Laguna Honda Hospital Policy Questions, by George Wooding

12/20/09:  Laguna Honda Hospital Featured in "The Worst-Run Big City in the U.S."

12/12/09:  Rebuttal to a Nurse Practitioner's November 2009 Letter About LHH

12/09/09:  Déjà Vu Haunts Laguna Honda Hospital

11/27/09:  A Mental Health Professional Weighs in on the "Ja Report" on LHH

10/7/09:  Laguna Honda's Unkindest Cut (Medical Care)

10/6/09:  SF Long-Term Care Obmudsman's Thoughts on the Ja Report

9/30/09:  Flawed Davis Y. Ja Report on LHH "Behavioral Health" Services
Report recommends replacing physicians with registered nurses, social workers, and psychologists
Includes Critical Analysis of Ja Report Written by Two Physicians

9/7/09:  Laguna Honda Hospital's Identity Crisis

7/4/09:  Laguna Honda Hospital:  Pot-bellied Pigs vs. Beds?
Including Links to a Number of Reports

Just Before an Increase in Alzheimer's Cases, CPMC Plans to Close Skilled Nursing Beds
6/29/09:  A Case for Updating the 1997 San Francisco Nursing Facility Bed Study
Including an Inventory of the Number of Licensed Skilled Nursing Beds Currently Available

6/14/09:  Community Living Fund Raided to Balance Mayor Newsom's Budget

5/4/09:  Mortgaging Laguna Honda Hospital's Future

4/2/09:  Mourning Laguna Honda Hospital's Changes

3/5/09:  War on Laguna Honda Seniors Heats Up

11/1/08:  Sister Miriam Walsh Retires as LHH's Pastoral Care Director

San Francisco General Hospital Bond Measure:
Is San Francisco About to Repeat Bond Measure Abuse?
 11/1/08:  In the News: Laguna Honda Hospital and San Francisco General Hospital

2/18/08: Laguna Honda Hospital: Another Light Goes Out in San Francisco

2/18/08: "Where Will They Go? What Will They Do?"

8/18/07 Mayor Newsom Assures Community Members LHH Will Provide Assisted Living

 Plans for Senior Housing at LHH in Complete Shambles at $1 Million Per Unit?
Including Public Comments Analyzing the Draft Feasibility Report

Chambers Lawsuit Against Laguna Honda Hospital Testimony Needed Now

8/18/07 LHH Releases MDS Data Showing 73% of Residents Have No Discharge

Disinformation Presented in the Chambers Lawsuit Against Laguna Honda

Forthcoming:  Deconstructing Lucette: How a Wall Street Journal Senior Reporter Got LHH Dead Wrong

If the Current Plan to Downsize LHH
by 420 Beds by Not Building the West Tower
Is Approved by the Health Commission and
the San Francisco Board of Supervisor's,
Mayor Newsom’s
Ten-year Plan to End Homelessness
Will Displace 180 of Laguna Honda’s Complex Medica and Chronic-Care
Residents, Plus Another 240 People

In 1999, voters passed Prop. A to rebuild Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center as a healthcare facility.

Mayor Gavin Care-Not-Cash Newsom, ignoring the will of voters, has other plans for the Laguna Honda campus.  His plans amount to a land grab.

Those plans involve replacing skilled nursing care at LHH with supportive housing under a so-called social residential model of care in order to deliver on his pledge to solve the City’s homeless problem.

What the Mayor doesn’t understand is that voters have NOT authorized him to retroactively change Prop. A to build housing.

Learn more ...

Supervisor Alioto-Pier Set to Raid Tobacco Fund
Dedicated to Rebuild LHH's 1,200 Beds

Transcript of Citizens' General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee Meeting Discussion on Laguna Honda

Two Board of Supervisor Hearings on LHH
Thursday, November 10 and Monday, November 14

Health Management Associates Audit of LHH and
Mayor Newsom's Public Policy Debate on LHH Rebuild

Planning To Dislocate Not Relocate
LHH Residents and Staff Begins in October 2005

LHH Special Use District Proposed For June 2006 Ballot

Status of $25 Million Lawsuit About LHH in Appeals Court

LHH Foundation Suspends Operations and Fundraising

Is the LHH Foundation Deceiving Its Supporters?

Mayor Newsom Ignores LHH Issues and Ignores Correspondence

Concerned Citizen Writes to Mayor Newsom About LHH Problems

An Open Letter to Mayor Newsom:  Come Clean With San Franciscans Where's Your Mayoral Vision for Laguna Honda Hospital Position Paper?

Long-Term Care Coordinating Council Disses Laguna Honda

StraightFactsPart II: FastFacts Claim $1.7 Million DPH Budget Savings Is Untrue

StraightFactsPart I: People Over 70 Differentially Denied Admissions

Mitch Katz Has Trouble With Basic Math, Despite Training

Mitch Katz First Offends LHH Staff; Then Only Half Apologizes

LHH CEO Releases Frequently Asked Questions Paper Citing Misinformation

Laguna Honda Hospital Issues Raised in National Publication

KPFA Radio: Debate on LHH; Either/Or Key Issue


Save LHH
Fact Sheet

Neighborhood Associations December 16, 2004 Town Hall Meeting

LHH Downsizing StraightFacts Summary

Graffiti that appeared during the Bridge Demolition"
Party held at LHH, August; 2004.
View: LHH Main Building, Southeast From Bridge.

Committee to
Save LHH Flyer

Flyer for
Nov 16, 2004
Meeting of Health

Sudden Changes to November 16, 2004
Health Commission Meeting

FOR OVER 50 YEARS, LAGUNA HONDA HOSPITAL AND REHABILITATION CENTER (LHH) has been a medical-model, long-term care skilled nursing facility (SNF) serving San Franciscos elderly, frail residents.  Doctors, nurses, and ancillary staff at Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center (LHH) are a close-knit interdisciplinary team providing skilled nursing and rehabilitation care to our elderly and people with disabilities, compassionate, safe environment.

Now, about the only way people can get into LHH is if they have a dual, or triple, diagnosis (that would include some sort of medical problem requiring skilled nursing care, along with either a second diagnosis of mental illness, or a third diagnosis of substance abuse).  Those with a single diagnosis (say Alzheimers, Parkinsons, or a traumatic head injury), are finding it more difficult to be admitted into LHH.  Increasingly in San Francisco, unless you have multiple diagnoses, your access to public health services is being curtailed.  (The same phenomena occuring at LHH is also occuring, or soon will, at so-called AIDS integrated service programs funded with Ryan White CARE Act money that have curtailed eligibility to only those having dual and triple diagnoses, leaving those with a single diagnosis of AIDS to fend for themselves.)

Gleaned from public records and public records requests, conflicting smoke signals are occurring about the true amount of cost overruns of the LHH replacement facility, and how cost overruns will affect the downsizing of LHH from the 1,200 beds promised to voters who passed Proposition A in 1999.

Now, LHHs future is in dire jeopardy, and irreversible decisions about its future are to be made by the end of December 2005!

There is good reason to believe that the new LHH may open with 300 to 400 fewer beds than promised in 1999.  Should that occur, losing 300 to 400 SNF beds in one fell swoop, and another 180 beds converted for locked units, could increase San Franciscos SNF-bed shortage in the year 2020 (just 16 years from now) to between 1,588 and 2,880 beds short.

The problems of the disabled, frail, and elderly seeking admission to LHH are caused by a shortage of nursing homes and funding cuts.  How did this come to be?  And how did the voters of San Francisco get mislead, yet again, by vague ballot initiatives that result in not getting what the voters were promised?

LHH Downsizing StraightFacts Summary

Site launched: October 31, 2004

Page Updated:  10/15/2024