Article (In Press)
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Westside Observer
October 2010 at
Red Flags Over
Laguna Honda Hospital
by Patrick Monette-Shaw
After I reported last month that KGO-TV Channel 7 had inappropriately
been airing a public service announcement that Laguna Honda Hospitals
mishandling of patient gift funds had went back to patients,
implying restitution of misspent funds, I complained to Dan Ashley
about it.
KGO appears to have curtailed, but not eliminated, the PSA from the airwaves, since no such remedy had occurred when the PSA first aired. At best (but doubtful), the practice of so brazenly raiding funds for patients may have stopped. But without full restitution of past abuses, little went back to patients, as Ashley misreported.
When last months issue went to press, I reported Deputy City Controller Monique Zmuda was scheduled to return to LHH to conduct a review of LHHs gift fund accounting practices. On August 25, Zmuda indicated her audits group would conduct a review of LHHs patient gift fund to determine whether LHH had administered the fund in accordance with the municipal code. She indicated re-allocation of $100,000 in interest earned might be re-performed based on the reasonableness of the initial interest allocation to staff education accounts rather than to patients. She also indicated if there was a departure from the Administrative Code, her group would determine under what authority practices had been amended.
It is thought all City employees are bound to comply with San Franciscos Administrative Code, since none of them are thought to be above the law or hold authority to amend the Code, unilaterally.
After whistleblower doctors Derek Kerr and Maria Rivero former LHH physicians who have been investigating disbursements from LHHs patient gift fund for now nearly a full year raised new accounting red flags, few questions have been answered.
It appears from their research that there were few accounting controls in place and that the patient gift fund may have been used like a petty-cash drawer, since many of the checks and balances to prevent abuse of the funds had been eliminated.
San Franciscos Director of Public Health, Mitch Katz, MD, issued a press release on September 2, claiming DPH had requested the Controllers Office conduct a detailed audit of LHHs patient gift fund. Even before the audit was underway, he prematurely concluded that there has not been a single instance in which funds designated for patients were used for any other purpose. Katz is wrong.
There appears to be multiple instances in which patient funds were used for other purposes.
The timeline of events starting on September 1 is remarkable, given the resulting spin control issued by the City.
On September 1, 2010, doctors Maria Rivero and Derek Kerr submitted a second report to the Health Commission, Civil Grand Jury, and the Whistleblower Program administered by the City Controllers Office, regarding potential cost-shifting of previously-borne hospital operating expenses onto LHHs patient gift fund, which may have further depleted the gift fund from providing supplementary amenities for patients.
On September 1, they suggested $745,000 may have went missing from LHHs patient gift fund between 2004 and 2005.
The next day, Dr. Katz issued a press release, claiming a minor error in deposits of funds intended for patients, had no impact on expenditures for patients, and in no way influenced the amount of money available for patient activities.
Hes likely wrong, on both counts.
The following day, on September 3, the City Controllers Office released for the first time news that an Investment Balance sub-account may exist within the patient gift fund. It was news to everybody who has been following this scandal.
Could it be that the various detailed analyses by Drs. Kerr and Rivero gave the City no choice but to finally conduct a deeper audit?
Among other red flags Kerr and Rivero uncovered, they report depletion of major bequests and trusts left to the patient gift fund. In the six years between 2004 and 2010, almost $2 million vanished from the bequests and trusts donated for LHH patients exclusively, depleting these sub-accounts. Some $1,581,882 was pulled out of the three big bequests (the Martin Heller, William Lenahan, and Marie Lewis bequests) in 2005 alone!
A second red flag the two doctors uncovered involves re-shuffling
of gift fund sub-accounts in 2005. Within six months after John
Kanaley became LHHs Executive Director in 2004, most gift
fund index codes were changed. For example the Miscellaneous
sub-account was switched from HLMGFT to HLMISC. The Martin Heller
bequest was changed from HLMHEL to HLMBQ, etc. When asked why
these changes were made, LHHs Chief Financial Officer, Tess
Navarro, replied I dont know.
Once the account codes changed, money appears to have been transferred
from old to new accounts, and elsewhere. Following what money
went where became difficult to track, and restricted
patient bequests appear to have poured into new unrestricted accounts.
The re-shuffling of codes obscures transformation of a patient
trust fund into a slush-fund.
A third red flag involves the misallocation of interest earnings.
Navarro may still not know.
Interest and dividends generated from bequests to the patient
gift fund should belong to LHH patients. But on February 18, 2010,
$100,485 was taken from the gift fund interest account (Index
Code: COUNGR) and deposited into four staff sub-accounts. This
enormous allocation which Zmuda indicated she would investigate
was based on existing balances in these staff accounts,
most of which came from dubious deposits. The interest earned
allocation to staff accounts appears to be a violation of the
City Charter.
Zmudas new audit must review the interest allocation formula,
since if boosting the principal in a given gift fund sub-account
is spiked, the sub-account may then qualify for a
disproportionate interest allocation. Clearly, the impermissible
$100,485 interest earned allocation to staff accounts
last February should be restituted to patients.
A fourth accounting red flag involves a disbursement from the gift fund in fiscal year 2006-2007 of $176,481, during a year in which total disbursements totaled a whopping $456,545, 50 percent higher than the preceding year or the following years, and much higher than any other year. The $176,481 expenditure came directly from the gift funds interest account, but theres no explanation of what was purchased with the funds.
All along, official responses from LHH and the City Controllers Office to public records and information requests have been incomplete and confusing.
Katzs sudden new claim the patient gift fund balance has reached $1.9 million through the present rests on the September 3 release of information that the gift fund had up to $835,000 in an investment account not revealed during the past four months. Katz appears to be claiming that combining the cash balance with an investment balance solves the problem.
If there has been no adverse impact on patients as Katz claims, why were LHH staff told that the patient gift fund was bankrupt, and bus outings sharply curtailed, resulting in the State citation Laguna Honda Hospital received for cutting bus trip outings by 65 percent?
Lingering questions remain about how $649,685 may have gone missing in the gift funds cash balance between 2004 and 2010, and how the total balance may have decreased by $585,688 across this time period.
Its unclear whether Zmudas new investigation will distinguish between let alone examine trust from slush.
Peg Stevenson, the City Services Auditor who works closely with Zmuda, has indicated some $400,000 in Proposition C City Services Audit funds are designated for LHH. A small part of the $400,000 could be used for an independent, CPA-directed audit of the LHH patient gift fund, to prevent Zmudas potential conflict of interest from tainting the results of a full, impartial audit.
Zmuda admitted on August 25 that the gift funds cash balance stood at only $726,808.
Only an independent audit conducted by an external agency will keep Katz and the City honest about LHHs patient gift fund.
Without an independent audit, the accounting red flags will likely increase.
Monette-Shaw is an accountability advocate, and the San Francisco Hospital Examiner at
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to Save LHH.