Please download and print this two-page flyer, front to back on a single sheet of paper; then distribute it widely. Make a goal of distributing the flyer to at least ten people that you know, particularly those who do not have Internet access. Ask shopkeepers to post it (front and back) where their customers can read it. Print copies of it, and pass them out at your church or synagogue, and other community meetings.
Remind people you give it to that it is not enough simply to read the flyer. If they want to protect Laguna Honda's mission for San Franciscos frail elderly, the community must exert sufficient pressure on our:
to ensure that the replacement facility for LHH is built at the full 1,200 beds promised to voters.
This means it is not enough to simply read the information in the flyer and the accompanying Committee to Save LHH Fact Sheet; readers, and visitors to this site, must act on what is learned, by calling those listed, writing to these officials, and attending the meetings and hearings listed on the Calendar of Upcoming Hearings, too, in order present public testimony.
It is not enough to read the information here about the problems at LHH; people must act and quickly!
Copyright (c) 2004 by Committee to Save LHH. All rights
reserved. This work may not be reposted anywhere on the
Web, or reprinted in any print media, without express written
permission. E-mail the Committee
to Save LHH.