Laguna Honda Hospital Patient Gift
Fund Records
Chronogical History
of Documents Relating to Sunshine Complaints 11013 and 11014
Here is the beginning of an archive of documents related to a public records request to obtain information regarding the Whistleblower Program's and Ethics Commission's investigation of the Laguna Honda Hospital patient gift fund whistleblower complaint filed by doctors Maria Rivero and Derk Kerr, and the ensuing Sunshine complaits filed to obtain information.
This archive will be updated soon.
Initial Request for Public Records | ||
Whistleblower Programs First Refusal to Provide Records | ||
Ethics Commissions First Refusal to Provide Records | ||
Deputy City Attorney Jerry Threets Instructional Memos to Sunshine Task Force | Instructional 11013 Controller Instructional 11013 Ethics Instructional 11014 Ethics |
Rebuttals to Sunshine Complaints | Controller Whistleblower
Staff Ethics Director John St. Croix Patrick Monette-Shaw |
April 26, 2011 | SOTF Order of Determination Patrick
Monette-Shaw vs. Controller's Office and Ethics Commission
(Case No. 11013) |
Order of Determination 11013 |
May 18, 2011 | SOTF Order of Determination Patrick
Monette-Shaw vs. Ethics Commission (Case No. 11014) |
Order of Determination 11014 |
August 15, 2011 | SOTF Referral for Enforcement Patrick
Monette-Shaw vs. Controller's Office and Ethics Commission
(Case No. 11013) |
Enforcement Referral 11013 |
August 15, 2011 | SOTF Referral for Enforcement Patrick
Monette-Shaw vs. Ethics Commission (Case No. 11014) |
Enforcement Referral 11014 |
Copyright (c) 2011 by Committee to Save LHH. All rights
reserved. This work may not be reposted anywhere on the
Web, or reprinted in any print media, without express written
permission. E-mail the Committee
to Save LHH.