Changes to SF DPH Strategic Plan
That Affect Long-Term Care Patients at LHH
For well over six months, San Francisco Health Commissioner Jim
Illig has been dropping clues that the mission of Laguna Honda
Hospital will change when the DPH Strategic Plan now under revision
is finalized. At its October 26 meeting, the Health Commission
was presented with the proposed changes; DPHs Strategic
Planning Department first claimed there were no substantial changes
to the Strategic Plan,, but then an underling employee of the
Strategic Planning Department indicated that there have been 83
changes made to it, either by way of modifications or by the addition
of totally new goals and objectives. All
told, 83 changes cannot hardly be viewed as no subtaintial
change, even by the wildest implementation of spin control.
The Health Commission was thwarted
in its attempt to race to implement a sudden, unannounced resolution
approving of the changes to the Strategic Plan, because an astute
community member observed that the Health Commission had failed
to note in its October 26 agenda that it was going to consider
an action item voting to approve a resolution that
had not been presented to the public beforehand, as required by
our local open meetings law known as the San Francisco Sunshine
On November 9, the Health Commission
has now adequately forewarned the public about its plans to simply
rubber-stamp the changes to DPHs Strategic Plan, and on
its November 9 agenda is the proposed vote to accept the Strategic
Plan, as written by DPH.
On this web site is a two-page extract of the goals, objectives and strategies
in DPHs 28-page 2004 update to its strategic plan that relate
to the changing mission of Laguna Honda Hospital. Among
the changes are:
- Goal 1 of the Strategic Plan
is to make sure San Franciscans have access to the health
services they need. A major change to DPHs
Goal 1 involves sending behaviorally-disturbed patients from
SFGH to LHH. The new Objective 11 under Goal 1 seeks to
Improve patient flow and standardize record keeping, in
order to improve continuity of care and reduce decertified days [emphasis added]. The continuum of care
should include acute care (SFGH), skilled nursing (LHH), residential
care, intermediate care, and community-based care. Strategy
a DPH plans to employ to achieve Objective 11 states
that DPH will Ensure patients are transferred to the appropriate
level of care within the continuum of services provided by or
contracted by the Department. Strategy b
DPH plans to employ will Define the role of discharge planning
and develop alternative placement options for LHH, SFGH, our
community partners and inmates being released from the criminal
justice system.
This new objective, and these two new strategies, have all along
been about reducing administrative days or decertified
days at SFGH which are synonymous terms seeking
to address the un-reimbursed psychiatric costs currently borne
by the Citys General Fund when a patients Medi-Cal
or Medicare reimbursement for psychiatric hospitalization runs
out by transferring behaviorally disturbed patients from
SFGH to Laguna Honda Hospital at a lower cost to the City, whether
or not the patient will receive better care at LHH, and whether
or not LHH is staffed to provide both patient and staff safety.
- Goal 3 of the Strategic Plan
involves ensuring that Services, programs, and facilities
are cost effective, and resources are maximized. Objective
3 of Goal 3 is also a new or changed objective, and notably,
Objective 3 has a new strategy d, which states that
DPH (and therefore, the City) will Complete the Laguna
Honda Hospital rebuild on schedule and on budget.
What this means
is that DPH has no intention of completing the rebuild of LHH
at the full scope of 1,200 beds!
The complete 28-page new DPH strategic Plan
is available on DPHs web site at
Copyright (c) 2004 by Committee to Save LHH. All rights
reserved. This work may not be reposted anywhere on the
Web, or reprinted in any print media, without express written
permission. E-mail the Committee
to Save LHH.